Due to some new findings I decided to change my travel plan. This is because apparently it’s only allowed to drive through Russia for a month. This means I will take longer in all other countries.
Also I found out that it visa are only valid for up to 3 months. This means I can get the visa for Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbejian and Iran in the Netherlands. All the other visa I will need to arrange on the road. This makes it harder, but also more dynamic.
These are the updated dates
- 2016-12 Departure
- 2016-12 – 2016-12-30: Europe (including Turkey)
- Traveling along: A bunch of people
- 2017-01-01 – 2017-01-15: Georgia
- 2017-01-15 – 2017-02-01: Armenia
- 2017-02-01 – 2017-02-03: Georgia (transfer)
- 2017-02-03 – 2017-02-20: Azerbaijan
- 2017-02-20 – 2017-03-20: Iran
- 2017-03-20 – 2017-03-25: Turkmenistan
- 2017-03-25 – 2017-04-15: Uzbekistan
- 2017-04-15 – 2017-05-05: Tajikistan (Silk road / Pamir highway)
- 2017-05-05 – 2017-06-01: Kyrgyzistan
- 2017-06-01 – 2017-06-15: Kazachstan
- Traveling along: Bas (and Janneke?)
- 2017-06-15 – 2017-06-18: Russia (1st entry transfer)
- 2017-06-18 – 2017-07-18: Mongolia
- Traveling along: Hidde and Corine
- 2017-07-18 – 2017-08-xx: Russia (2nd entry)
- 2017-08 – 2017-10 Through Europe, back home to the Netherlands