Georgia part III

2017-03-17 Time for another update! From the monastery on a rock I started driving in the direction of Tbilisi. I saw on Lonely Planet that I would pass Chiatura, where Stalin’s cable carts, which were built in 1950, are still in use today. I had to take a look. When I arrived in Chiatura I took a little walk through the town until I found one of the carts. Apparently they were free so I Read More →


Georgia part II

2017-03-06 The road to Mestia was very very bad and extremely exhausting. But there were some amazing sights and situations on the way there. I stopped at a very old obsolete metal hang bridge and I climbed a defense tower that was under construction. Also there were a lot of stones and snow on the road from recent rock slides and melting snow. That the ride was exhausting became clear when I wanted to go Read More →


Georgia part I

2017-03-02 So, crossing the border from Turkey into Georgia turned out very easy. Show passport, show car document, “where you are go?” – “Azerbajian, Iran, Mongolia, etc”. “Open car”. “Is ok”. 10 minutes later and I’m in Georgia. Pretty cool. Right away it was clear that the road conditions were more Albania style, only a little worse. Roundabouts are there, but the rules are sort of reversed, extremely many and deep pot holes, people honking Read More →
