Iran part IV (Qeshm – Turkmenistan)

Back into internetland! (Kyrgyzstan – Osh). Here is the last part of Iran: 2017-04-27 On the way back from Qeshm Helena and I first went back to Hamed and Saghi in Bandar Abbas, where again we were received with much hospitality. I lost the pictures I made there but we had another great day and were invited to stay the night. My visa extension was waiting for me at the police office next day and Read More →


Iran part III (Esfahan – Qeshm)

The last post ended in Esfahan and Suse and I were just about leaving the city to drive towards Shiraz. We found a spot in the hills on the iOverlander app that we wanted to try to find. But when we were close it was already quite dark and we had trouble finding the way there. Some meters off the road we were asked by a local what we were looking for and we tried Read More →


Iran part II (Tehran – Esfahan)

10-04-2017 In Tehran it was visa arranging time. But first I went to the palace of the shah, which was in the exact state is was when he and his family fled the country after the revolution in 1979. A beautiful place that I wouldn’t mind living in. There I met a British-Iranian woman who was back in Iran for the first time since the revolution. We had lunch and conversation together in the north Read More →


Iran part I (Tabriz – the coast – Tehran)

29-04-2017 So, a bit earlier than anticipated I entered Iran. On the border I changed some money into rial and asked for car insurance but nobody was able to understand me. The next part of the drive to Tabriz was without insurance. Iran seems to be stuffed with pretty landscapes. Taking pictures is almost always a disappointment because 2 kilometers down the road there will always be a better spot to photograph. There were a Read More →


Armenia part III

After Goris (Armenia) I decided to drive in the direction of Sisian. Kate (American peace core) told me in Yerevan that it was worth visiting. I stopped close to Sisian and drove into the hills to check out a cave. The cave was a bit disappointing but the surroundings were quite nice. After that I drove on to Sisian where, after I arrived, I noticed that my fleece vest was gone. I left it near Read More →
