Kyrgyzstan Part IV (Bishkek – Almaty (kazchstan)

2017-07-25 Alone again! But only for like a week because my friend bas decided to book a flight to Astana, and take a train to Almaty to join me for a couple of weeks. In Bishkek I did some shopping at the Osh Bazaar and drove off to the west. I wasn’t quite sure what to find there but on the map I found a small lake at the end of a road that seemed Read More →


Kyrgyzstan Part III (Naryn – Issyk Kul – Bishkek)

2017-07-15 We stayed another night in Naryn after the Ethno festival. When we came back, I headed out to get some beers for the late evening, but after less than one we were too tired to continue and went to bed. The next morning we planned to go south, towards lake Kel Suu in the south. The road was good in the beginning, but quickly began to get worse. From tarmac to gravel to sand Read More →


Kyrgyzstan Part II (Osh – Naryn)

2017-07-09 After I picked up Ilse from the airport, we drove back to the hostel to drink some tea and talk. We decided to drive off the same day, towards Arslanbob. We tried to find a spot to camp near Uzgen but we only found a lake with a load of rubbish and tons of people fishing. Also tons of insects. So we drove on until we found a nice spot on a hill near Shoro Read More →


Kyrgyzstan Part I (Border – Osh)

2017-07-01 When Fanny and I crossed the no mans land into Kyrgyzstan, we met 2 Polish brothers, an opera singer and a ballet dancer, who were walking the 20 km road to Tajikistan. We had some tea and biscuits with them and when we wanted to continue, also Seth and Kristy, who I met in Murghab hotel, drove past. They had done the whole Wakan valley and M41 in something like 4 days and on the Read More →
