Mongolia Part III (Ulaanbaatar – Border Russia)

2017-09-26 – 2017-09-28 In the 4 days I stayed in Ulaanbaatar, I didn’t see much. A restaurant, Toyota garage and right before leaving, the dinosaur museum and some of the center. Blog writing, socializing and beer drinking in the hostel was relaxing and resetting. The city itself is not really that interesting. Just big, quite modern and shitloads of traffic. On the way to Ulaanbaatar, Brutus’ rear shock absorbers started rattling so it was time to Read More →


Mongolia Part II (Taishir – Ulaanbaatar)

2017-09-19 The engines of the Germans and British fired up early. This woke me up to a slow morning. I made a standard yoghurt/oats/egg/tea breakfast, checked out the scenery for a bit and fired up my engine too. From there on the world was mine again. A lot of lonely driving through epic landscapes lay ahead. In the first few hours, a clunky noise from under the car became worse and worse. When I took Read More →


Mongolia Part I (Ölgi – Taishir)

2017-09-11 Pete and Jenny (in Brutus’ clone), Frederik and Charlotte (in their Landy), and me (in Brutus) had crossed the border into Mongolia! Our first encounter with Mongolians wasn’t very successful. We were stopped by someone looking somewhat like a police officer who told us that we needed to get insurance. We walked into a shabby shed, where 3 people asked for our passports and started writing our information in forms. Charlotte was not amused Read More →
