Kyrgyzstan Part IV (Bishkek – Almaty (kazchstan)

2017-07-25 Alone again! But only for like a week because my friend bas decided to book a flight to Astana, and take a train to Almaty to join me for a couple of weeks. In Bishkek I did some shopping at the Osh Bazaar and drove off to the west. I wasn’t quite sure what to find there but on the map I found a small lake at the end of a road that seemed Read More →


Travel plan update

Due to some new findings I decided to change my travel plan. This is because apparently it’s only allowed to drive through Russia for a month. This means I will take longer in all other countries. Also I found out that it visa are only valid for up to 3 months. This means I can get the visa for Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbejian and Iran in the Netherlands. All the other visa I will need Read More →


Wat elektronische probleempjes opgelost (in Dutch, sorry)

Na mijn duik in een meertje een aantal weken geleden (een verhaal dat ik nog moet posten), gingen er wat elektronische onderdelen raar doen. Hier beschrijf ik hoe dat weer opgelost is. Dynamo vernieuwing: Halverwege Amsterdam begonnen er allemaal lampjes te branden. Olie, batterij, t-belt en brandstoffilter. Op het grote internet kon ik vinden dat dit betekende dat mijn dynamo (of alternator) geen stroom meer gaf. Dagen eerder hoorde ik ook al vreemde geluiden uit het Read More →


Some off road test driving fun!

Some friends came over to drive around a little. My “backyard” is an ex parking lot / demolition site with mud, stones and water. A nice place to give Brutus a little off road testing. This might look a little uneventful, but having never done this, it felt totally awesome!
