Turkey part II: Continuing alone

2017-02-27 On monday Jasper left on an airplane back to NL and I went on alone. This is what the road looks like when driving alone: It looks pretty much the same, only I’ve got only myself to talk to. But I’m a good listener so all is well. I drove for quite a while, all the way past Ankara until is was about 20:30 and very dark. I stopped at a gas station for Read More →


Arrival and retrieval of new stuff

Over the last few weeks, a bunch of stuff I ordered has arrived! Also I went shopping for some more stuff. Stuff stuff stuff! This stuff includes: My Chinese made roof rack Shovel Awning Webasto diesel heater A top mattress and mattress cover                       This little Webasto heater will be an interesting project to install. The previous owner says it’s from an old camper van, Read More →


More additions to Brutus

Yesterday I ordered a roofrack, awning and a shovel from a Swiss site. Normally a roofrack of a decent brand would cost up to €1300. This site sells a full roof covering rack for €399. It’s made in China, but apparently very sturdy and heavy duty (and also heavy weight, about 50kg). I stumbled upon a blog post on www.landcruiserclub.net where people were discussing this rack. I decided to take the gamble.  This site also Read More →
