The last stretch (Estonia – Latvia – Lithuania – Kaliningrad – Poland – Germany – NL)

2017-12-10 This day day I drove into Tallinn, walked around for a couple of hours, and drove out again. Good looking place with a cute, tourist filled, center. I found a nice hamburger place on the road towards Lithuania where I ordered a huge hamburger with fries and coke. After that I drove for about 320 km until I found a place in the forest next to the road. Another night in the car. The next Read More →


I’m an idiot!

Yes, I’m an idiot. First, even though I know that I would be leaving in the beginning of summer, that I would drive through Iran in mid-summer (+50˚C) and would end up in Russia in mid-winter (-50˚C), my mind was still made up to do it this way. Thinking more deeply about this, I figured that a lot more preparations and modifications are necessary to the car, to be able to actually survive the trip. Read More →
