Mongolia Part III (Ulaanbaatar – Border Russia)

2017-09-26 – 2017-09-28 In the 4 days I stayed in Ulaanbaatar, I didn’t see much. A restaurant, Toyota garage and right before leaving, the dinosaur museum and some of the center. Blog writing, socializing and beer drinking in the hostel was relaxing and resetting. The city itself is not really that interesting. Just big, quite modern and shitloads of traffic. On the way to Ulaanbaatar, Brutus’ rear shock absorbers started rattling so it was time to Read More →


Terrain driving in Fürstenau

On the 13th of March I drove in the direction of Germany to meet up with some other people to do some terrein driving and testing. This was an initiative of the Dutch Land cruiser club which I subscribed for. First we met near the border of Germany for some theory about 4x4s. A lot of it I already knew, but it was a very good and complete overview of the possibilities of a car like this. Read More →
