The last stretch (Estonia – Latvia – Lithuania – Kaliningrad – Poland – Germany – NL)

2017-12-10 This day day I drove into Tallinn, walked around for a couple of hours, and drove out again. Good looking place with a cute, tourist filled, center. I found a nice hamburger place on the road towards Lithuania where I ordered a huge hamburger with fries and coke. After that I drove for about 320 km until I found a place in the forest next to the road. Another night in the car. The next Read More →


Russia 2 Part III (Aldan river – Barnaul)

Time to continue this blog! 2017-11-05 In the last post I ended up besides the semi-frozen Aldan river. And it was getting dark. So I decided to drive some kilometers back down the road towards Yakutsk again but quickly became tired and hungry. So I drove off the road into the forest and started making some dinner. The temperature was below -30 and it was rather painful to hold anything metal during the cooking. Also it takes Read More →


Tajikistan Part III (Murghab – Shaymac – Murghab)

2017-06-21 We arrived in Murghab and went straight to the Bazaar, and then the Pamir hotel. There we took a room for 8 dollars and hung around for a while and met new people. All travelers that do the Pamir highway or Wakan valley (or go through Tadjikistan for that matter) got through Murghab, and most of them end up in this hotel. The place has hot showers twice a day, after a huge reservoir Read More →


Turkey part II: Continuing alone

2017-02-27 On monday Jasper left on an airplane back to NL and I went on alone. This is what the road looks like when driving alone: It looks pretty much the same, only I’ve got only myself to talk to. But I’m a good listener so all is well. I drove for quite a while, all the way past Ankara until is was about 20:30 and very dark. I stopped at a gas station for Read More →
