I think I’m slowly getting there

The last months I’ve been busy working on all kinds of projects, plans and updates: Departure date changed CarPc Heater controller Heater fuel line rerouting Solar cell installation Electrical rewiring Snorkel New tires Skid plate design Oztent Jerrycan holder design New radiator and gearbox clean List of costs Departure date changed I changed the departure date. Again. The new date will be around the 15th of February. Leaving at the start of winter would give me Read More →


I’m an idiot!

Yes, I’m an idiot. First, even though I know that I would be leaving in the beginning of summer, that I would drive through Iran in mid-summer (+50˚C) and would end up in Russia in mid-winter (-50˚C), my mind was still made up to do it this way. Thinking more deeply about this, I figured that a lot more preparations and modifications are necessary to the car, to be able to actually survive the trip. Read More →
