Packing and preparing

Holy shit it’s getting close now. And there was still so much to do! Connect the new skid plates that Jeroen made for me, attach the jerrycan holder to the roof rack, extra secure the awning to the roofrack, remount the roofrack to the car, insert the new and slightly improved CarPc into the dash, pack everything in the car for the first time, get my Iran visa, get my Russia LOI and visa, ensurances, Read More →


Equipping Brutus with a second hand Webasto Thermo Top C diesel heater

Since my last post I managed to install my secondhand Webasto Thermo Top C diesel heater in Butus’ engine compartment. Here I will shortly describe how I did that, might anyone attempt to do a similar thing. Sorry if my terminology is a bit vague but my mechanical English might be a little rusty. First I went looking for manuals, images and forums online that could help me to identify what I would need to Read More →
